Welcome To Sanctuary Blessed Life!
Upcoming Education:
Holy Spirit University (HSU) is comprised of on location and online classes that help us develop an everyday lifestyle of living with Christ.
Open to individuals 18 and older, classes meet weekly for 10 -12 weeks.
All times are posted in EST Eastern Standard Time (USA).
Classes begin the week of February 17th and will end the week of April 27th, 2025.
Please register on this page or on https://christkingdomgospel.org/hsu-classes/.
You will receive a confirmation email (also check your SPAM folder).
If you have any questions or feedback about HSU please email hsu@sanctuary-pa.org.
“Dressed To Kill”
Leader: Ted O’Grady
Online Only
SPR-DTK Monday 1:00 pm EST
We will undertake a systematic study (10 chapters) of Pastor Rick Renner’s eBook, “Dressed To Kill”, intentionally arming ourselves for victorious physical and spiritual battle aimed at the destruction of satanic strongholds, both on the micro and macro levels.
Required Text(s): Dressed to Kill: A Biblical Approach to Spiritual Warfare and Armor by Rick Renner, Dressed to Kill: Companion Study Guide, Holy Bible, King James Version
“God’s Divine Daughters”
Leader: Emerald Garratt
Online Only
SPR-GDD Tuesday 1:00 pm EST
We’re all familiar with statements in the Family Pledge, “become divine sons and daughters of God” and “building the culture of heart.”
This group was originally started in July 2024 with in-person meetings at the Welcome Center in Tennessee. Now we want to reach out and connect with sisters in different regions who are looking for a strong sense of community that the 2nd King talks about. This group is meant to help the young women in our movement feel connected and to learn from and uplift each other. We will focus on Bible passages and discussions that help strengthen our faith as Daughters of God.
All materials provided
“Men’s Divine Principle Gathering”
Leader: Daejo Garratt
Welcome Center, Sanctuary Church, Thorn Hill, TN
SPR-MDP Tuesday 8:30 pm EST
The Divine Principle is Biblically based. I would like to create a group study where we can, as men of faith, read together and talk amongst each other to understand on a deeper level the backbone of our faith. In this manner, we can become better priests for our families.
Required Text: Exposition of Divine Principle
“Learning Korean with Billy Go”
Leader: Kerry Williams
Online Only
SPR-LKB Friday 8:30 am EST
This class is for those who want to learn Korean using “Korean Made Simple” by Billy Go Textbook AND Workbook. This class is for those who can read Hangul and will be ready to begin at chapter 2 or 3 in the Level 1 book! Both books are available as pdfs. We may also incorporate “Duolingo” if class participants are interested to do so. Let’s learn Heaven’s language together!
Required Texts: “Korean Made Simple” Level 1 Textbook, “Korean Made Simple” Level 1 Workbook
“Gonna Build a Kingdom”
Leader: Pastor Kyle Toffey
Online Only
SPR-GBK Friday 7:00 pm EST
We will explore what it means to be a king and queen as members of the “King of Kings” and what we need to accomplish that. This includes understanding God’s original plan for Adam and Eve, how the Fall made us slaves, and now having a clear vision of our duties and responsibilities. The objective of the course is to give attendees a vision for their kingdoms we need to build, being inspired through selections from both the Bible and True Father’s words and inspire them through God’s words to accomplish that.
Required Texts: Holy Bible, Exposition of Divine Principle
“How to Love your Wife and how to Respect your Husband”
Leader: Dorit Smith
Online Only
SPR-LAR Friday 7:00 pm EST
Welcome to Love and Respect for couples and individuals. Our Marriage Blessing is God’ s Marriage Blessing and we need to understand the need of our husbands for respect and our wives for love and how to practice that so we can build God’s Kingdom starting in the Family.
Ephesians 5:33 “You must love your wife as you love yourself and the wife must respect her husband.”
Required Text: “Love and Respect” by Emerson Eggerichs
Welcome to Sanctuary Blessed Life
Let Heavenly Father, True Father and Jesus be our teachers. Let the Bible and the 8 great textbooks be our guidelines.
In the Bible we read:
Gen. 1:28: Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.
In the CSG P 2265 we read:
A true family will be the apple of God’s eye. He will embrace that family and dance. When we feel overjoyed, God, who is almighty, would like to hold on to us, and dance, and fly through the air. A true family is God’s object partner that can liberate and comfort Him.
(301-169, 1999.4.25)
Membership in World Peace & Unification Sanctuary
Sanctuary Church is a free association of people who believe that True Father Sun Myung Moon is the Messiah and King of Kings and that his son Hyung Jin Moon is his sole legitimate representative and inheritor and Second King of Cheon Il Guk. We believe that each person has the ability to act with his or her God-given freedom, with the caveat that the person must take responsibility for the consequences of such free actions. Aju!